Georgia Tech Fleet Management requires all current and potential PIN users to complete a Fuel PIN application packet. Fleet Management suggests that all individuals who utilize gas-powered vehicles obtain a GT Fuel PIN.
Applicants must complete and submit the following to obtain a New GT Fuel PIN:
1. Fuel PIN Request & Agreement Form
2. Complete the Fuel Card Certification Tutorial (VPN connection and GT login required)
3. *NEW* Complete the DOAS Fuel Card Acknowledgement
*For navigation assistance, click here: Fuel Card Acknowledgement Training Guide
5. Motor Vehicle Driver Acknowledgement
*There are five documents necessary to complete the fuel PIN application packet.
Per the Georgia Tech Campus Information Security Policy, we are not allowed to accept PIN requests via email, due to the sensitivity of information (i.e., driver’s license #). Forms and certificates must now be sent one of the following ways:
- In-person delivery to the Office of Fleet Management
- Interdepartmental mail (Mail Code: 0350)
- Fax to 404-385-2401
- US Postal Service - Please send to 306 Tenth Street, NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
All documents sent via email will not be processed and will automatically be deleted.
Fuel PINs are processed in 1-2 business days from fuel PIN request submission.
For additional information or questions on obtaining a new fuel PIN, please contact the Office of Fleet Services at 404-385-4232.

Contact Info
Georgia Tech Fleet Management
“We Keep the Campus Moving!”
Hours of Operation
6:55 a.m. - 5:25 p.m. M-F
Phone: (404) 385-4232
Fax: (404) 385-2401
Address: 306 Tenth Street, NW, Atlanta, GA 30318