Connectivity and walkability are crucial to supporting a healthy, socially-engaged campus.
Georgia Tech’s campus is home to many research laboratories, but how often is Tech itself the subject of research?
Many construction projects were completed over the summer. A few other will continue into the fall.
At its August 12 meeting, the Board of Regents approved 2016 health care benefit plans, new professional degree programs, endowed school chairs, and several faculty appointments for Georgia Tech.
Since the beginning, Grant Field has been a work in progress, and the stands have never been completely torn down and rebuilt.
Georgia Tech’s most recognizable landmark will undergo a $7.5 million renovation beginning in a few weeks.
Beginning this Saturday, several campus trees will be removed due to failing health and safety concerns..
Landscape Services lost a beloved teammate when Andrew McKinney died this month.
Beginning this Saturday, several campus trees will be removed due to failing health and safety concerns.
Our woolly, four-legged friends are back to help manage the vegetation