Many construction and maintenance projects were completed during the summer or will wrap up this fall.
When Georgia Tech visitors enter campus, they will soon be greeted with sleek, new sign signs.
“Don’t ever touch that whistle.” These are the words that Harold Cash has lived by since he arrived at Georgia Tech about 18 years ago.
Students and administrators discussed safety issues around campus as they walked together after dark.
It’s difficult to imagine a snow or ice storm hitting campus, given the warm temperatures we've had lately. But rest assured that if one does, the people responsible for keeping Georgia Tech up and running are ready.
The Division of Student Affairs awarded the Area 1 Facilities Team the “Friends of Student Affairs Award.”
Projects on Cherry Street, near the Library, along Techwood, and at the Engineered Biosystems Building are nearing completion.
Georgia Tech’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety has presented its inaugural Lab Safety Excellence Award to Younan Xia and his group of researchers for their exceptional efforts in maintaining a safety-conscious laboratory.
Four degree programs and two construction projects were addressed at the Board of Regents meeting at Georgia State University on Jan. 6.
Connectivity and walkability are crucial to supporting a healthy, socially-engaged campus.