Several projects were completed over the summer, while a few continue into the fall.
Many construction projects were completed over the summer. A few other will continue into the fall.
With a smaller population on campus in the summer months, it is often a season of transformation, as many infrastructure and construction projects are underway simultaneously.
Look for construction to wrap up on a few long-term projects, for short-term projects to take shape, and for some new long-term work to begin.
This fall, look for construction to wrap up on a few long-term projects, for short-term projects to take shape, and for new work to begin.
In spite of this spring’s erratic — and at times volatile — weather, construction projects have continued apace cross campus.
This month, work will begin on the Campus Safety Building, the new home for the Georgia Tech Police Department that will take shape at the corner of Hemphill Avenue and 10th Street.