pic of gtpd and PAL program members Nov 2020
pic of gtpd and PAL program members Nov 2020

The PAL program aims to promote confidence, self-esteem, civic engagement, academic achievement, and social principles to Atlanta youth between the ages of 8 and 18 through a wide variety of safe and fun activities. 

Georgia Tech Police Department officers have begun an exciting new collaboration with the Atlanta Police Athletic League (PAL). The PAL program aims to promote confidence, self-esteem, civic engagement, academic achievement, and social principles to Atlanta youth between the ages of 8 and 18 through a wide variety of safe and fun activities. 

Officers joined the Atlanta Police Department’s PAL program at their “Community Giveback” event where APD and other organizations provided food and entertainment. The event collected more than one hundred Thanksgiving food bags for community members.

GTPD also joined the Georgia Tech “RotorJackets” Drone Racing Team in Couch Park to allow PAL participants to race drones in a safe environment. The kids first practiced flying drones in the GTPD training room simulator while learning about flight simulation by GTPD’s Physical Security Specialist/UAS Flight Director Jeff Hunnicutt.

Kicking off in 2021 will be a  new mentorship program via the GTPD between members of the Student-Athlete Advisory Board and the PALs program.