American School & University recently announced that Georgia Tech receives top honors in the higher education category for the Annual Green Cleaning Awards for Schools & Universities. 

American School & University recently announced that the Georgia Institute of Technology is the 2015 Grand Award winner in the higher education category for the Annual Green Cleaning Awards for Schools & Universities. The Green Cleaning Awards recognize education institutions for their healthy and sustainable approaches to cleaning to protect health without harming the environment.

“We are quite proud of our Building Services team for their continued innovation in green cleaning practices. Throughout the nine years of program development, we’ve been able to minimize the use of chemicals down to the very bare minimum,“ states Tommy Little, associate director of building services for Facilities Management. “We believe this minimization helps provide a healthier working and learning environment for Tech’s employees and students.”

Several initiatives contributed to this award including continuous program innovations such as the identification of more effective, chemical-free cleaning solutions as well as improving training programs to educate custodial staff on minimizing impact to populations that are sensitive to chemical exposure.

To learn more about Tech’s Green Cleaning Program, visit