Map of location of W23 parking deck.
Map of location of W23 parking deck.

The W23-North Campus parking deck will reopen Monday, July 6 to permit, SmartPark and visitor parking.

The W23-North Campus parking deck will reopen Monday, July 6 to permit, SmartPark and visitor parking. For several weeks, the parking deck was the site of Covid-19 testing. The entire parking facility is being disinfected before opening. This includes:

• Stairwell handrails

• Elevator doors, walls, ceilings and floors.

• Exterior and interior elevator buttons

• Emergency phone buttons

• Entry and exiting ticket dispenser panels

• Prox card readers at entry and exiting gates

General parking questions may be directed to PTS at 404-385-7275. Please reach out to us with questions or concerns you may have. We are here to help.