A 42-inch caliper Willow Oak located next to the Corliss Pump gathering area in Harrison Square has not been thriving for the past two years. The tree is scheduled to be removed on Sept. 19.
Atlantic Promenade South will undergo construction to replace aged steam lines and upgrade adjacent hardscape and landscape.
The Van Leer Rotunda and two story connecting the wing to the main building will be closed through January of 2018. 
The Dorothy M. Crosland Tower will be closed for nearly two years to undergo a complete renewal. Interior abatement has begun in some areas and pedestrian detours will change throughout construction phases. 
Renovation will include 17 classrooms and the associated public spaces and lobby on the first and second floors.
The existing elevator in the Pettit Microelectronics Research Center (MiRC) is undergoing renovations and machinery replacements.
2022 has been a pivotal year for the Georgia Tech campus as existing construction on campus forged ahead, new projects broke ground, and design work for future transformative projects continues.
Foundation work for the construction project requires blasting for rock removal.
Registration is now open for the spring semester session of the Georgia Tech Police Department’s (GTPD) Citizens Police Academy.
As part of the East Campus Streetscape project, milling and paving will include Centennial Park Drive this week.