Construction Impacts for February 2020
Construction Impacts for February 2020

In the month of February 2020, Phase I work including construction of the Exhibition Hall, Pavilion and Café buildings will continue for the Campus Center project. 


*Construction truck traffic in this sector of campus.

*Normal working hours are Monday - Saturday 6:30 AM – 5:30 PM.

Phase I Building Construction (within project fence line):

*Masonry, windows, fiber and metal panels will be installed at Exhibition Hall.

*Major mechanical and electrical equipment will be set at the Exhibition Hall.

*Overhead and in-wall mechanical, electrical, plumbing inspections will be completed at the Exhibition Hall.

*Drywall and ceiling grid installation will commence at the Exhibition Hall.

*Masonry, windows, fiber and metal panels will be installed at the Pavilion buildings.
*Interior metal framing walls, overhead mechanical, electrical and plumbing will be completed at the Pavilion buildings.

*Windows, fiber cement and metal panels will be completed at the Café building.

* Drywall and ceiling grid installation will commence at the Café building.

*Underground domestic water and fire line service will be installed.

*Hardscapes including sidewalks and pavers will be installed.

Phase I Utilities/ Ferst Center Plaza Pathway:

*Hardscapes including sidewalks and pavers will be installed.

*Temporary pedestrian pathways approaching Ferst Center to ISYE lawn will be removed.

*Fencing will be modified to open up pathway from Ferst Center to ISYE lawn.

*Sidewalk closures affected by utilities work at Ferst Center pathways will be restored and opened 2/10/2020.

Hardscape Work near ISYE Building:

*A temporary sidewalk has been placed north of the fence to maintain access to the south doors at ISYE.

*The fencing configuration will be modified to open the new pathway on 2/10/2020.

Old OIT Engineering Building – Temp WREK Radio:

*Miscellaneous interior renovations including new walls, electrical, and HVAC work will be completed in early February

*Areas of the building’s adjacent parking lot will be dedicated to Contractors and logistics.