Map of construction logistics for the month of January 2020
Map of construction logistics for the month of January 2020

Construction activities relating to the campus center renovation will continue for the month of January 2020.  Work on the buildings is progressing well.

Campus Center – Construction Impacts

January 2020:

In the month of January 2020, Phase I work including construction of the Exhibition Hall, Pavilion and Café buildings will continue for the Campus Center project. 


*Construction truck traffic in this sector of campus.

*Normal working hours are Monday - Saturday 6:30 AM – 5:30 PM.

Phase I Building Construction (within project fence line):

*Masonry, windows, fiber and metal panels will be installed at Exhibition Hall.

*Overhead mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems at the Exhibition Hall installation will be completed. 

*In- wall electrical and plumbing systems at the Exhibition Hall installation will be completed.

*Major mechanical and electrical equipment will be set at the Exhibition Hall.

*Exterior metal framing walls, sheathing and waterproofing will be installed at the Pavilion buildings.

*Interior metal framing walls, overhead mechanical, electrical and plumbing will be installed at the Pavilion buildings.

*Sheathing, waterproofing and masonry will be installed at the Café building.

*Overhead mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems will be installed at the Café building.

*Underground domestic water and fire line service will be installed.

Phase I Utilities/ Ferst Center Plaza Pathway:

*Storm, sanitary sewer, and power ductbank will be completed for Phase 1.

*Fencing will be modified between the Ferst Center and Smithgall buildings on 01/17/20.

*The north facing east exit of Smithgall will be reopened.

*Signage will remain in place around perimeter of fencing to direct pedestrian traffic. 

*Pedestrian pathways approaching Ferst Center from ISYE lawn have been installed to divert walkways around construction.

*Way finding signage has been placed around this part of campus to provide alternate routes.

*ADA pathways will be maintained from the parking lot in front of Student Services to Ferst Center for the Arts.

Hardscape Work near ISYE Building:

*The fencing located between the bus loop at Ferst Dr and ISYE building will be modified to now encompass the existing sidewalk.

*A temporary sidewalk will be placed north of the fence to maintain access to the south doors at ISYE.

*The existing sidewalk will be removed and a new pathway will be included.

*The fencing configuration will be reconfigured to open the new pathway on 01/31/20.

Old OIT Engineering Building – Temp WREK Radio:

*Miscellaneous interior renovations including new walls, electrical, and HVAC work will occur during the month January.

*Areas of the building’s adjacent parking lot will be dedicated to Contractors and logistics.