As a part of the development of the West Campus Dining Hall, we will need to temporarily close parts of McMillian Street in order to tie in storm and sanitary utilities. 

The existing storm drain and sanitary systems, as well as the electrical system and chilled water lines, must be tied into the new West Campus Dining Commons. Incorporating the new building into the utility lines will occur in two phases to minimize disturbance.


Start Date: July 6, 2016

Anticipated End Date: July 22, 2016

Campus Detours or Interruptions:

Phase I Detour: The McMillian St. and 8th St. intersection will be closed from July 6th ti July 15th for the storm/sanitary tie-in.

Phase II Detour: The stretch of McMillian St. between Turner St. and 8th St. will be closed from July 11th to July 22nd for the tie in of electrical and chilled Water: