Upcoming Chilled Water Planned Outages

The campus chilled water system serves cooling needs in buildings connected to the district system. Outages will primarily affect spaces with high internal heat loads such as server rooms or process cooling loads dependent on campus chilled water. 2024 planned outages will occur during low campus occupancy to accommodate system repairs and improvements and to best enable reliable chilled water service to the campus. 

Further planned outages to the campus chilled water distribution system are in development. Please check back for updates.

If you came to this page via the QR code from construction fencing signage, the signage is correct. "Better Infrastructure = Better Campus". We all love reliable and efficient systems, but they require periodic upgrades. Today's projects will result in an improved, more resilient campus. At Georgia Tech, we are continually striving for innovative infrastructure.


Chilled Water 1
Chilled Water 2
Chilled Water 3


Completed Outages

April 5-7, 2024

4th Phase (April 5-7) - SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED.

March 29-31, 2024

3rd Phase (March 29-31) - SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED.

March 15-20, 2024

2nd Phase (March 15-20) - SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED.

December 16-28, 2023

1st Phase (December 16 - 28) - SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED. Thanks to the I&S team and the contractors for completing this project 6 days ahead of schedule.