Chilled Water Outage Planned for Dec. 14 – 30

The campus chilled water system serves cooling (air conditioning) needs in buildings connected to the district system. Outages will primarily affect spaces with high internal heat loads such as server rooms or process cooling loads dependent on campus chilled water. 2024 planned outages will occur during low campus occupancy to accommodate system repairs and improvements and to best enable reliable chilled water service to the campus. 

The next scheduled outage is planned to occur during winter break. 

In support of continued improvements to the system and to facilitate ongoing repairs at Harrison Square, I&S will conduct a partial, and phased, shutdown of the chilled water system. The shutdown will begin on 12/14 (after Commencement ceremonies) and will continue through the end of day 12/30. The planned outage will be conducted in two phases so that some buildings may regain service prior to 12/30. However, all buildings shown in red should be prepared for an outage lasting the entire time period.

Per the map below:

Buildings in red: Outage planned Dec. 14 – 30.

Buildings in blue: Not affected during this time.


NOTE: If you came to this page via the QR code from construction fencing signage, the signage is correct. "Better Infrastructure = Better Campus". Today's projects will result in an improved, more resilient campus.

We all love reliable and efficient systems, but they require periodic upgrades or sometimes urgent attention. Click here to see details about the work on Cherry Street at Harrison Square.




Completed Planned Outages