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The following is a list of materials that are accepted and not accepted at recycling sites on campus.


Aluminum Cans

  • Accepted: Aluminum beverage cans only
  • Not Accepted: Aluminum foil, silverware, or pots & pans
  • Locations: Outdoor recycling sites, most campus buildings, and the East Campus main drop-off site


  • Accepted: Small and medium rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries
  • Locations: Drop-off Locations: Campus Bookstore, Expo Hall information desk, Clough Information Desk, ORGT at CRC, and the Library Information Desk. Many offices and departments have collection boxes. To request a box, email

Corrugated Cardboard

  • Accepted: Clean cardboard with a wavy middle layer
  • Not Accepted: Paperboard (such as cereal boxes), pizza or food boxes full of food
  • Locations: Most campus buildings and the East Campus main drop-off site

Electronics (E-Waste)

  • State-owned property: If you have a state-owned computer or electronics to be disposed of (whether inventoried or non-inventoried) contact the Property Coordinator for your department. They will fill out the proper paperwork to have your equipment picked up and taken to surplus for recycling.
  • Personal property: Personally owned computers and electronics can be recycled year-round at The Kendeda Building Loading Dock.

Fluorescent Bulbs

Visit the Environmental Health & Safety Hazardous Waste page.

Glass (Clear, Green and Brown)

  • Accepted: Bottles and jars only
  • Not Accepted: Lids, windowpanes, drinking glasses, or laboratory glass
  • Locations: The East Campus main drop-off site, Greek Neighborhood drop-offs, or blue carts near residence halls 

Ink and Toner Cartridges

Mixed Office Paper

  • Accepted: Office paper (all colors), magazines, newspapers, junk mail, file folders, catalogs, brochures, paperback books, sticky notes, and paperboard (such as cereal boxes). Staples and paper clips do not have to be removed.
  • Not Accepted: Corrugated cardboard, facial tissue, napkins, paper cups, or paper plates
  • Locations: Outdoor recycling sites, most campus buildings, and the East Campus main drop-off site

Plastic Bottles & Containers

  • Accepted: Plastic bottles & containers; caps are OK
  • Not Accepted: Plastic wrap, plastic bags, or polystyrene foam
  • Locations: Outdoor recycling sites, most campus buildings, and the East Campus main drop-off site

Plastic Bags & Film

  • Accepted: Plastic shopping bags, bubble wrap, bubble mailers, air pillows and stretchy film
  • Not Accepted: Chip bags, food wrappers, cellophane, crinkly packaging or rigid plastics
  • Locations: Student Center Post Office, Kendeda Building


  • Accepted: Structural foam packaging and foam coolers
  • Not Accepted: Food soiled containers, tape, labels or plastics
  • Locations: EBB & IBB for lab items, Kendeda Building, Move-In recycling drop-off sites


  • Accepted: Standard wooden, in good condition. 48" x 40"
  • Not Accepted: Non-standard, plastic, or damaged pallets
  • Locations: Picked up on loading docks or contact us
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