The Georgia Institute of Technology has received the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) recognition award.
Georgia Tech’s arboretum status — official as of March — was an organic development stemming from a tree inventory in 2012.
As the campus has grown both in infrastructure and population, the need to improve safety for pedestrians and drivers has prompted the introduction of policies to ensure compliance with the Institute’s regulations and state law.
With a smaller population on campus in the summer months, it is often a season of transformation, as many infrastructure and construction projects are underway simultaneously.
Beginning June 1, food items will be allowed in classroom spaces reserved for events.
Meagan Fitzpatrick, biosafety officer in Environmental Health and Safety, initially set out to be a full-time researcher.
Roof-retrofitting plan to reduce a building’s energy demand was a course project
Beginning July 1, Stamps Health Services will be renovated for improved patient efficiency.
Three initiatives demonstrate efforts in this department to reduce waste and optimize operations.
Chatman is on a personal and professional mission to reduce paper usage — and that’s above and beyond her dedication to Georgia Tech’s green cleaning program.