The front driveway entrance to the Paper Tricentennial Building will be closed Oct. 6 - Oct. 15.
Milling and repaving of McMillan Street, Turner Place and Curran Street will commence on May 8 and will require some bus rerouting and detours.
Renovation will create a new suite for the office of the Dean of the Ivan Allen College.
Construction Impacts for Campus Center during the months of November and December 2019
Construction Impacts for Campus Center during the month of January 2020.
Construction Impacts for Campus Center during the month of February 2020
The current temporary walkway from the Student Center Complex to the IsyE lawn will be closed.
The Griffin Track Press Box and Grandstands to be demolished in the coming weeks. Plans for reuse of the site are in the design phase.
A crane will be staged at the Wood Lab Building on March 2 from 6m - 10am
The path to the ISYE Annex will soon be reopened; hardscape is being placed.