Jeff Wiley in Facilities Management appreciates Tech's essential workers.
Construction on campus moves forward in 2020.
Campus construction moves forward in 2020
After 25 years of service to Georgia Tech, Chuck Rhode, vice president for Facilities Management, has announced his plans to retire from his position effective August 1, 2020.
Georgia Tech won first place for the Race to Zero Waste One Building Challenge for the program at the Kendeda Building in the 2020 RecycleMania competition.
This summer, eight acres of thoughtfully designed green space will open on the Georgia Tech campus and provide many new spaces for reflection, engagement, and learning.
Behind the scenes of The Kendeda Building there is a team of Facilities Management professionals in place to operate, maintain, and service this one-of-a-kind building.
Behind the scenes of The Kendeda Building there is a team of Facilities Management professionals in place to operate, maintain, and service this one-of-a-kind building.
Several major construction projects have been completed or are about to wrap up on campus this semester. Other projects are moving along as anticipated. Read on for the latest updates.
A large water oak tree on North Avenue by the E45 parking lot entrance will be removed this weekend.