Georgia Tech’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety has presented its inaugural Lab Safety Excellence Award to Younan Xia, professor and Brock Family chair, who holds joint appointments from the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering. Xia and his group of researchers earned this award for their exceptional efforts in maintaining a safety-conscious laboratory work environment. 

“Nothing is more important than lab safety,” stated Xia. “The consequences of not following safety rules can be disastrous – from serious harm to those in the lab, to jeopardizing the research. Everyone is responsible for ensuring a safe, clean, and organized environment for the entire research group.”

Xia and his team of researchers received the award based upon achieving a perfect score on the Lab and Chemical Safety Office’s (LCSO) Inspection. Derived from multiple sources including OSHA and EPA regulations, the LCSO Inspection involves a 70-point checklist. The checklist covers items specific to general and chemical safety including container labelling, chemical storage, and appropriate organization. It also includes electrical, fire, and gas cylinder safety protocols. Additionally, the inspection covers appropriate attire and personal protective equipment worn by those in the lab, as well as a thorough review of training records to ensure everyone has received the appropriate training for the hazards presented by the materials and processes in use. A copy of the LCSO inspection checklist is available at

"Georgia Tech appreciates everyone making safety a top priority. Part of an ongoing effort by Environmental Health and Safety is to recognize outstanding safety practices throughout campus and to raise awareness of the importance of safety in all our work activities,” stated Nazia Zakir, director for Environmental Health and Safety.

For more information on lab safety including training opportunities, visit the Environmental Health and Safety website at